Monday, May 30, 2011

First Guest Post

It's been one of those super busy weeks, for better of for worse. Which unfortunately translated to way less cooking then we had intended. However, our buddy Devin was still on top of his game this week. I was around for the first half of this process, but then had to run pick up my friend downtown, so I left my camera with him and he continued documenting his efforts for the blog.

Presenting AnythingButRanch's 1st Guest Recipe Post: Tamarind Ice Cream

Last week, while we were in the strip district, Devin picked up a box a tamarinds from Lotus, our favorite Asian grocery store! 

I had personally never heard of them before. We had far too much fun cracking jokes about their appearance. But all kidding aside though, they're pretty tasty...the flavor's something's between a raisin and something citrus...though with the pit they kind of reminded me of a date. 

I'm not sure where the recipe came from, but the best part about it (and I'm sure all my college friends will agree with me), is that it didn't require an ice cream maker.

The first step was to shell them. Which is where the jokes got worse (I'll spare you the specifics).

Shelling them was actually a pretty easy, and kinda fun. We made a mess, but that's one of the best parts of cooking, right? Then Devin put them in a pot with some water and boiled them into tamarind goo (the jokes continued). Then the pits were strained. Then the ice cream making could really begin!

At this point I had to leave. But, like I said, Devin, continued documenting.
Ingredient Lineup! 

The Process! My mixer was happy to get some more use.

After some time hanging out in the freezer, tamarind ice cream was born! And served in the same fancy glasses as out tofu moose from last week.I totally thought there were sprinkles on top..but its actually a cayenne/salt/sugar combination that "made it perfect," according to Alyssa.

Unfortunately, I did not get to try any of it. But I heard it came out wonderfully. It was certainly a neat way to use a strange and tasty fruit. Homemade ice-maker-less ice cream is going to go on the summer cooking project list I think

Happy Memorial Day!

1 comment:

  1. I've never had a tamarind before, but I'm down for any easy homemade ice cream recipes...genius!
