Monday, January 16, 2012

Scones for the Win!

I know. January 16th and it's only my second post of the year. Lame. Even though I haven't been in school, I've been working 40 hours a week and simply not taking my camera into the kitchen when I make things. However a few delicious things have come out of our itty bitty kitchen in the past week or so:

Thanksgiving Detox Soup
Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Bites
lots of Yogurt Flatbreads
& BBQ Veggie Chili

The recipe I have for you today was made at my parents house a few weeks ago. But it was so good that even though it's out of date I'm going to share it anyway.

I've never been a big scone person. They're always pretty dry. Let's be honest: if I'm going to treat myself, I'm going to make a milkshake out of Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Bites and Trader Joe's french vanilla ice cream (not that Kyle and I did that last weekend or anything). But these aren't just any scones. These scones are pumpkin, whole wheat, AND vegan.

And tasty enough that I may have survived on them for two days when I came back to an empty kitchen in Pittsburgh.

I came across the recipe, here. These were created the same day as the previous baking adventure. Aka- Molly took all the sweet pics. Enjoy!

This is step (the whole - mixing dough by hand thing) that is always the hardest. This go round I did learn the lesson that it should be done with a pastry cutter. I also was able to take advantage of having a boy in the kitchen :)

The rolling of the dough into circles/ cutting it into quarters part was by and far my favorite part. Not really sure why..

Then we made a tasty glaze:

And viola! Best breakfast, lunch, desert any/all time of the day snack. 

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